7 March 2024

Get the most out of a hybrid work set-up

Hybrid and remote working have become commonplace in today’s business landscape. In a post-pandemic world, it’s more of a necessity than a luxury. Businesses need to make sure they can offer flexibility to their employees, otherwise they risk narrowing the pool of talent willing to work with them.

Offering hybrid working provides your staff with flexibility and autonomy, which can boost productivity and improve your staff’s work-life balance. It could also save money on your office overheads!

Having solid IT in place is at the heart of a smooth hybrid set-up, and that’s something Shropshire Computers can help with.

What you need to consider

Every business is different, so we’ll provide a solution tailored to the approach you want to take.

In most cases you’ll need help with collaboration tools to keep everyone on the same page – no matter where they’re based.

Using software like Microsoft Teams can create a virtual world where employees can send instant messages rather than walking over to someone’s desk, have a video call instead of a face-to-face meeting, and create channels of information so everyone is singing from the same hymn sheet.

You’ll need secure file sharing and storing capabilities to make sure everyone is accessing the most up-to-date documents.

Hand holding a tablet with a cloud above

Use the Cloud

Migrating to the Cloud will make your core systems and data accessible, meaning you can work from anywhere. Using the Cloud also helps your business’ scalability. It’s a great way to streamline your processes too.

Cyber Security

Hybrid working can make businesses more susceptible to cyber threats, so at Shropshire Computers we will apply measures to keep your data safe.

We can implement multi-factor authentication, VPNs, access restrictions, password policies and geo-blocking to make sure your security is not compromised by remote working.

Our team is proactive at monitoring threats and safeguarding against attacks, as well as providing cyber security training to pass on our knowledge to your team.

If you’d like IT support to create a better hybrid work set-up, get in touch today.

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